Year: 2023
City: Miami, FL
Stock: 6d7eba
Condition: new
Make: oceanhawk
Propulsion: power
Price: $135,000
Listing: By Owner
Status: Available
Length: 36'
Model: 33
Engine hours: -
Step One: Ask questions about a boat, request shipping quote to your country (make sure first a boat and shipping cost fit into your budget).
Step Two: Order a Full Survey. *You can buy As-Is, but we always recommend a Full Survey for buyers protection.
Step Three: Once a Full Survey comes back satisfactory (normally within 3-5 days), you want to proceed with a boat purchase and your offer is accepted, we will e-mail you an invoice to pay for a boat and shipping with wire transfer instructions. We start a boat export process once your wire has been received.
33 foot plus braket 36 foot over all ,,,, includes full interior,,,twin engine bracket with ladder,,,triple axle trailer ,,, arch or ttop,,,,coming bolster,,,rear bench ,,, ,,,, ready to power ,,,,, order today be ready less than 3 months ,, built like a rock all hand laid composite no wood construction made to take anything u can possibly throw at her !!!! come see us last and compare our build to others!!!!
call or pass by today ,,,,
keywords ocean hawk renegade avanti scarab midnight concept sea vee contender whitewater ocean runner go fast mercury suzuki yamaha etec radar arch cabin center console
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All transactions are handled safely and securely. Deposits are held securely in escrow pending a full inspection and sea trial.
While we attempt to ensure boats for sale USA display of current and accurate data, this boat trader USA listing may not reflect the most recent boat sales USA to Australia or other destinations worldwide transactions or may reflect occasional data entry errors. American used boats inventory listed is subject to availability and prior sale. Please consult Boat Export USA, LLC for details. Buy American boats prices are quoted for the USA only and may not include buy Florida boats preparation, transportation, taxes, or other applicable charges. Photographs of the boats sale online USA may be representative only and may vary somewhat from the actual items offered USA boats for sale. We encourage all USA boats buyers to schedule a surveyor who will conduct an independent analysis. All boats sale online and boats sale USA are charged a $250.00 administrative office paperwork fee. Any offer to purchase is ALWAYS subject to satisfactory survey results. Boats for sale USA and shipping must be paid in full before delivery. Used boat sales to Australia is subject to additional import fees when you buy USA boats.